We became accustomed to working from home over the years. As some people returned to the workplace following the pandemic, others realized that working from home makes more sense for them because it saves them time commuting and keeps them closer to home and family. With the rise of online content creation jobs, even though we are not restricted to one location, home provides us with the most peace and comfort to brainstorm and express our creative ideas.
It can take hours to complete a project, create content, and follow up on all aspects of your business.
Your back will thank you for selecting the right chair and desk. These are the two most important aspects of your home office.
As interior designers we can closely relate to this, considering how many hours we spend in front of our screens. Adjustable standing desks are the most mobile of desks. They are electrically controlled desks that allow for a variety of seated and standing heights. They are available in a variety of designs and colors. If you’ve never encountered one before, this Max Series table makes the perfect example. They are slightly more expensive than your standard desk, but if you are spending multiple hours seated, in a long term it might save you a lot of money, discomfort, and time spent visiting your chiropractor.

The same is true for your chair. The ergonomics of the chair should be your primary consideration. Your office chair should have a supportive backrest, adjustable height, and an armrest. You don’t have to settle for an ugly, boring chair when there are many designer chairs on the market. If you are unsure where to begin your search for you living in the UAE, you can stop by OfficeMaster or visit their website for some additional ideas.

Layout and lighting in another important aspect of your home office. Given that online meetings have become commonplace, you’ll want to make sure you have adequate lighting to look your best. Placing your desk directly in front of the window or using it as your background may not be the best choice because it will affect the contrast of your camera. Looking out the window, depending on how busy the area is, can be distracting, and you don’t want the Sun directly in your eyes while participating in an important meeting. The best location would be in bright indirect light. If you believe you are not getting enough light, it is always a good idea to add additional lighting sources, such as spotlights, table lamps, and so on. More information is available on our BLAK YouTube channel from our head designer. A tidy background with books, accessories, and picture frames will make you appear more professional than a blank wall or blurry background. Feel free to experiment here as long as you keep stacks of your files and work assignments organized and in a drawer away from the view, until you need them.

Carpet and curtains play an important role in the acoustics of the room, in addition to adding to the appearance of your home office. Unless you’re recording yourself singing for social media and want to keep the echo effect, my recommendation would be to start choosing textiles.
This week, I shared some very practical advice with you. If you’ve been following our blog since the beginning, I’m sure you’re an expert on home design by now. Next week, I’ll wrap up our Room Guide with the kids’ room. In the coming year, there will be a lot of exciting new content. Keep an eye out.
Office Master Link ( https://officemaster.ae/shop/chairs/leather-chair/eames-low-back-leather-chair/ )